Be your best you every day. Be thankful you are young and healthy, you won't be for long. Everyone will age, everyone will get sick, everyone will die. Don't get too attached to it, but don't squander it either. Don't squander your opportunity to go after the things you want. You only live once, and you only die once, and the healthy and energized part of your life is far too short to play your cards conservatively. You never know when your time will be up. You can get hit by a truck tomorrow, you could be diagnosed with cancer or some other debilitating disease that will sap your energy and effectively end your ambitions and life as you know it.
Your career is not a battle of attrition. Success does not come from 'sticking it out' in a job that doesn't suit you. Don't quit quitting before you even quit!
“Life is short. Why be an accountant? Except for the stability and the benefits and the above-average pay. Oh, God, this better work out.”- Ben, Parks and Recreation
"If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good."- Dr Seuss
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