You need to learn to 'lean into the vulnerability of life'. Be you, even when you don't think you should or could possibly let the world see. Push yourself to that uncomfortable place. That uncomfortable feeling means you are growing. I've heard this idea a million different ways from a million different sources from a TED talk on psychology, to a hedge fund-er's managerial magnum opus, to strength training manuals. They must be onto something, and I think its the same thing.
Ray Dalio's Principles mentions 'safe' , 'stretch' , and 'panic' zones. We all know exactly what he means. When we are overloaded, we shut down, get overwhelmed and make little progress. When we aren't challenged we are cruising, and atrophying. When we are working hard while keeping our head above water, we are growing, and this is the right amount of pressure.
Not too much, but not too little. You need to use just just the right amount, with some persistence and practice, to get the results you want. Life's a great balancing act.
Whether its managing your strength training schedule, your emotions, your motivations at work, your finances, your love life, or anything in your life, you need to remember that life and nature work in cycles. The same way you need to recover from a hard workout, you need to recover from working in your 'stretch zone', or pushing through a depressing time personally. Sustainability and caring for oneself is the name of the game.
"You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know.
You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go.
So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact
and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act.”
-Dr. Seuss
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