Honestly, do you love accounting? Cash Reconciliations, Financial Statement Tie-Outs, Month End Closes, Year End Closes, Audits, Journal Entries, Ledgers? Debits and Credits?
Are you passionate, or are you comfortable? Does your psychological need for comfort and stability outweigh your need to feel fulfilled and satisfied?
Are you settling? If you don't love accounting, get the fuck out. "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."
Lets be honest though, most of you are going to get back to your tie-outs and checklists like the fucking Melvins you all are. Make sure you eat lunch at your desk, stay past dinner, and come in early to that windowless conference room next to the copier. Fucking back office monkey. Enjoy your year end bonuses and working all that unpaid overtime 4 months a year.
Life is pledging. The shitty parts don't end until you decide to grow a pair and you end it yourself. Be a man. Take control of your career and your life.
Don't settle.
Lets be honest though, most of you are going to get back to your tie-outs and checklists like the fucking Melvins you all are. Make sure you eat lunch at your desk, stay past dinner, and come in early to that windowless conference room next to the copier. Fucking back office monkey. Enjoy your year end bonuses and working all that unpaid overtime 4 months a year.
Life is pledging. The shitty parts don't end until you decide to grow a pair and you end it yourself. Be a man. Take control of your career and your life.
Don't settle.